
Privacy Policy

This website and any affiliated websites are published and maintained by Guangzhou Royallee Cancer Center, and by visiting this website, you agree to accept the terms outlined in this legal notice. If you do not accept these terms, please stop accessing this website.

We may change or revise these terms of use from time to time. Therefore, you should read these webpages when you browse this website. If you continue to use this website after we have changed or revised these terms of use, you also agree to accept the new terms of use.

It is a basic policy of Guangzhou Royallee Cancer Center to protect users’ privacy. After we obtain your personal data, we will store these data in the system properly. Only formally trained and authorized staff can access your personal data. Without your permission, Guangzhou Royallee Cancer Center guarantees not to disclose or provide users’ non-public content to any third party.

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